
Autism South Africa (A;SA) aspires to achieving a society in which persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) enjoy all the rights and opportunities to meet their needs and fulfill their potential, throughout their lives, as loved and valued members of their families and communities.


A;SA strives to:

  • Celebrate and champion the diversity and creativity of persons with ASD;
  • Partner with and be relevant to persons with ASD and their families and communities;
  • Identify and address the differing and changing needs of babies, children, adolescents and adults with ASD;
  • Promote the rights and advance the interests of all those within the autism community;
  • Lead ASD awareness, education, therapy and advocacy throughout South Africa; and
  • Draw on and contribute to national and international experience and expertise in the field of ASD, while retaining a regional and local focus on challenges and opportunities

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