
Randburg Clinic School is a school for children with a primary diagnosis of Autism as well as a diagnosis of severe behavioural difficulties. Our learners are aged from 3 – 18 years in the Autism Centre and 6 – 13 years in the behaviour section of the school. Admissions are only accepted from Gauteng Province.

Human Civilisation is like a bouquet of flowers from many different gardens – And the bouquet of these varied flowers is more beautiful than the individual flowers themselves.” P.R. Sarkar

OBJECTIVEour learners
We provide an Autism specific learning environment with visually clear instructions for learners with Autism between the ages of 3 to 18 years. Individualized, visually clear daily schedules are designed for learners to enhance learning and working more independently. Teachers are skilled and trained in identifying and recognising exceptional needs of learners, emerging skills, areas of strength and special interest. Opportunities are created to promote learning through play.

The Randburg Clinic School and Resource Centre seeks to educate Learners requiring high intensity support in terms of behavioural disorders (ages 6-13  years). Our resources are integrated into the District Based Support Team that provides support in curriculum, assessment and instruction to schools in the district. The specialised professional support provided by the Resource Centre includes the training of teachers regarding barriers to learning, developing material for learning support, management of inclusive classrooms, guidance to parents and life skills programmes to make Learners with barriers less vulnerable to abuse.

At Randburg Clinc School we strive for all our children to meet their full academic, social, emotional, and physical potential enabling them to make productive contributions to society.


  • To utilise the required competencies of our School Based Support Team to identify the needs of Learners and design programmes to support these needs.
  • To address particular health and welfare problems of our Learners.
  • To promote general health and welfare programmes via workshops and counselling to parents and other schools in the district.
  • To cater for the all-round development of the child.

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