
Autism South Africa (A;SA) aspires to achieving a society in which persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) enjoy all the rights and opportunities to meet their needs and fulfill their potentials, throughout their lives, as loved and valued members of their families and communities.

A;SA strives to:

  • Celebrate and champion the diversity and creativity of persons with ASD;
  • Partner with and be relevant to persons with ASD and their families and communities;
  • Identify and address the differing and changing needs of babies, children, adolescents and adults with ASD;
  • Promote the rights and advance the interests of all those within the autism community;
  • Lead ASD awareness, education, therapy and advocacy throughout South Africa; and
  • Draw on and contribute to national and international experience and expertise in the field of ASD, while retaining a regional and local focus on challenges and opportunities.

  1. How is that you are involved with autism in Jozi?
  2. We are the national body for autism in South Africa and work closely with other organisations within the disability sector. We offer support to families as well as professionals throughout the country, as well as training. Our staff work hard pleading the case to government that there needs to be more support for both families and autistic people.

  3. How can we as a community in Jozi make play more inclusive for autists?
  4. Autism friendly events are a good place to start – these are events where music is not played as loudly as it is often played, lights are dimmed, if it is an indoor area, there might be a room available for autistic people to go to where they can escape the chaos of the environment if they begin to get overwhelmed. Creating understanding and acceptance within the general public.

  5. What has worked for you & your organisation to facilitate play in autism?
  6. Finding the individual’s interest, and encouraging creative play with their interest. Also, not assuming that they are not creative, and accepting their play for play. We have developed a very brief guide for parents on how to play with their child.


Autism South Africa

Registered PBO no: 2997/095/84/5

T: +27 11 484 9909

E: info@autismsouthafrica.org

W: www.aut2know.co.za


Autism South Africa at the CMI

Gate 13, Children’s Memorial Institute

Cnr Joubert Street Ext and Empire Road




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